It's been mentioned earlier (I think) that Sophie has been in a dance class at the local YMCA for the last month and a half.
She's really been enjoying it, and according to Stacy and her teacher, Sophie's been getting progressively better at listening to the teacher and being physically away from Stacy during class, which is a very good start.
Needless to say, Sophie has been loving dance class, and she has been great about practicing at home.
Some were afraid that she'd be upset at her first recital, which was yesterday, but unlike some of the girls, Sophie did her steps, stayed in the stage area, and beyond having to have Stacy within 15 feet of her, had a great time!
I apologize for the odd angles of the pics - I didn't know where Sophie was going to be, or where she'd be looking (mostly at mommy and the teacher). I also apologize for the graininess of the pictures, Our new camera either stinks and needs to be returned, or there is a setting for it to not compress the heck out of the data that I need to find...
Sophie and class coming out for the first dance:
You may notice Sophie's costume is different than the other girls in her class - that's because the costume shop screwed up and we didn't get her costume until the day of the recital, and found that they had messed up so bad that they couldn't get more of the same costume! Sophie and another girl were to have the pink, so they wouldn't look so out of place, but the other girl didn't make it to the recital, so Sophie got to wear pink, while the others had to wear plain white :)
More moves that she is doing right - though she is supposed to spin (which she didn't), so I didn't get her face..
From the second dance, a montage of Sophie's moves:
At the end, all the girls from all the classes came out:
And at the end, Sophie sitting with her friends:

When all was said and done, I realized what I'll need for camera equipment next time (which will be in the fall), and most importantly, Sophie had a lot of fun and was able to get started in the whole dance and school thing.

When all was said and done, I realized what I'll need for camera equipment next time (which will be in the fall), and most importantly, Sophie had a lot of fun and was able to get started in the whole dance and school thing.
On a side note, Sophie is a soup fiend:

Also, Sophie has had a new casting made for her new leg (her current one is rapidly getting too small), and we hope to have the check-fit in the next week or two.
She's growing about 1 cm a month, and is already over 3 feet tall!
We are very glad that she is healthy and happy!
Talk to you later!