Saturday, January 26, 2008

100 Good Wishes Quilt

Hello Everyone,
We would like to ask you all to participate in a very meaningful project. We have asked my mom (Deb) to make a special quilt; one that everyone can contribute too. There is a tradition in the northern part of China to make a "100 Good Wishes Quilt", to welcome and celebrate a new life. It is a custom to invite friends and family to contribute squares of cloth with a good wish, prayer, scripture, poem, etc. for the baby. The squares are assembled into a quilt for the baby and a small swatch of fabric from each square, with its good wish, is put in a scrapbook. The scrapbook will remind her of the love and good wishes from all the families and friends who contributed a piece of fabric to her quilt and she will know how much she was wanted!
If you would like to participate, please send 2 - 7"x7" squares and 2 small swatches of fabric for the scrapbook. If you prefer you can send your fabric to us and we will wash and cut the squares. ¼ yard of fabric would be enough. You can also ask anyone at a fabric store where their Fat Quarters are. They will know what you are talking about. These are pre-cut pieces of fabric used in quilting. One fat quarter would be enough if you are using one fabric. The material should be cotton fabric, either print or solid… you choose. The theme of the quilt is of course Chinese related fabrics. If you need ideas, fabrics could contain any of these: Asian designs (as long as it doesn’t say “Japan” on it), Lady bugs, any Asian writing or symbols, Chinese food containers, chopsticks, dragons, bamboo, pandas, Chinese paper lanterns, Chinese coins (they have a square hole in the center), Mahjong tiles, chopsticks, paper fans, oriental paper umbrellas, butterflies, dragonflies and if all else fails plain red fabric (or polka dots or stripes). If you need to, good places to buy fabric would be Wal Mart (if their craft section has it), Joanne Fabrics, Mill End Textiles, Crafts direct or any local fabric store. Please send the fabric with a card or a piece of paper with the good wish, prayer, scripture, etc. on it (2 wishes, one per square). Acid- free supplies are the best to use for the wish (if available) so that it will hold up in the scrapbook well. If not that's ok too.
Please send by February 16th to Stacy and Larry or Deb. Email us if you have questions or need our address.
We want to thank everyone in advance who contributes. This quilt will mean a lot to Sophie and us for years to come!


Kirstin, Brad and Brayden Krueger said...

I can not wait to do this for little Sophie and see the final Quilt! What a cool idea!

Gramma Terri said...

I CAN'T BELIEVE I AM REALLY GOING TO BE A GRAMMA!!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY FOR ALL OF YOU. Sophia is so wanted and she has made us all so very happy. I can't wait to be a pest, and show up often. I love you and can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WHOOPEEEEE!

Deb said...

I'm excited to see all the different quilt blocks that will go into making Sophie's quilt. When it's finished, Larry can post it for everyone to see.