Wednesday, April 23, 2008

You Asked For Video

Well, better late than never... I finally got the latest two tapes captured last night and tonight, and have a few more videos to share!

A couple of weeks ago Stacy's cousin stayed with us and we all played Rock Band (my favorite game right now). Sophie was not to be left out, so we let her sing away!

As Sophie is our first child, there are some things about having a toddler that you just don't expect, especially after having a routine for several years...

And this is from today.

I first witnessed this last Thursday, and was absoultely amazed - Stacy says she's doing it more and more now, and we have to encourage it!








Spoiler space







That's right, she can walk! This is without a prosthetic (the appointment is still 2 and a half weeks away), and her right leg being about a quarter of an inch shorter than her left.

It may only be a few steps now, but if she keeps working on her balance and leg strength, she's going to be able to literally run the minute that we finally get her a prosthetic foot.

I'm trying to find, "Hi kitty," but it's too late tonight - hopefully by the next post...

Good night!



Gramma Terri said...

You stinker, you did not tell me you caught her walking on tape!!! I am so excited for her! Tears and Joy again from your precious daughter. The drawer thing is too funny. You used to hide under the kitchen sink and close the doors! The singing would make Simon on "Idol" jealous for her talent! Love You Lots, Gamma TaDa

Kirstin, Brad and Brayden Krueger said...

SHE CAN WALK!! How exciting! Prosthetic or not it is such a great accomplishment in a littles ones life, and you get to see her progress! HOW EXCITING! She is just too cute. The look on her face while she is in the drawer, knowing she made a mess is priceless!! My brother used to crawl into the rotating corner drawer we have and it was IMPOSSIBLE to get him out! Kids are great! And Sophie is doing so well! I love the updates (hint: You should do them more often haha)