Two weeks ago tomorrow (Saturday April 26th) I took Sophie through a blizzard to get her hair cut. (It really was snowing badly that morning - gotta love Minnesota!)
Sophie was looking a little shaggy, so it was definitely time for a trim...

Sophie, if she was a mob boss...

The stylist that helped her was very nice, and showed Sophie the clippers and let her touch them before she used them...

Sophie was the most well behaved kid I've ever seen getting a hair cut (of course, she is perfect). No crying, no fidgeting -she just sat there calmly.

And here's my pretty girl wanting to be picked up after getting all prettied up!

Afterward we stopped at the grocery store and picked some soup up - when it's that cold, wet and snowy, it's a soup day!
Since then the nice people I work with threw Sophie a welcome home shower, with cake and tons of presents - it was very nice to have that kind of support from my friends and coworkers!
It's two days until Mother's day - I have to make up some cards for Stacy soon... maybe tomorrow? :)
Just a reminder to friends and family - Sophie's dedication will be at 9 AM on Mother's day at Riverside Alliance Church, and we will follow that with lunch at 11 at the King Buffet in Big Lake. See you all there!
You guys lucked out! What an Angel. She just keeps getting cuter and cuter and times goes on and she is so sweet!
I love her new hair cut! and wish we could be there for dedication tomorrow. Happy Mothers Day Stacy!
She's as cute as ever!
Happy (one day late!)Mothers day to you Stacy.
Bless you guys ~
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