I said it would be a week, and it's been a whole year since I last updated Sophie's blog.
Well, I've been very busy and all that, so let's just take the apologies as read, and take a look at what Sophie's been doing the last twelve months (quite a lot, as it turns out).
I'm breaking up the posts into manageable sections, mostly so you don't have a ton of pictures in one shot, but also it allows me to keep the posts manageable from a writing and saving perspective...
Here we go, we'll pick up where we left off, in Disney World...

On our last night at Disney World, we went to a midway style area, which had more of a carnival style to it, but also had plenty of shopping. This is a Winnie the Pooh diorama for pictures, so we indulged and had Sophie sit with the characters.

Near the entrance to the area, they had a water fountain play area for the kids (the bursts of water come out of the ground at random, and the kids can chase after them). Sophie loved it.

At the Disney Lego Store, they had a gigantic Woody from Toy Story made out of Legos.
We returned home from Florida, and our normal days picked back up.

Sophie is helping Stacy put frozen (don't worry, I made the dough) cookie dough on a pan for a treat.

Stacy and Sophie have started to do crafts together. It's really neat for them to have a special thing that they do together, and Sophie is learning a lot.

Here is the finished bouquet that they made.

Sophie finally got the hang of pedalling in the early summer, and was riding her tricycle very well. She eventually applied the movement to her bicycle a little later in the summer, and started riding it by herself. She still had trouble going up hill, but we told her that practicing will not only give her better motion, but also strengthen her legs.

We bought an inexpensive pool for her to play in, and Sophie, like always, demanded to help. She started by playing with the hose, of course.

More playing...

And finally, getting down to business. How many times did she go in the pool? Twice, I think.

Grandma and Grandpa Ziegler came over for a visit, and here she is getting a nice group hug.

Here's a cute picture of Sophie eating a cupcake.

And this is a cute picture of her taking a nap (a rarity indeed) after apparently crashing while playing on her V-Tech game.

We were putting together a book of Sophie pictures that was going to be a Christmas present for our family, and we wanted something current for the back cover. I asked Sophie to do some posing for me out on the grass, and this is (I think) the picture we put on the back of that book - I think she looks awesome.
Okay, that about covers the summer, so the next post will be fall...
See you then!
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