Friday, June 7, 2013

Where baaaack!

It's hard to believe its been 2 years (and 2 houses) since our last blog post.  As everyone knows, we've moved to Albuquerque, NM and we love it!!!!  If you'd like to see some pics of our house, go to my facebook page and our best friend Cassie posted some pics from when she was here with us.

After searching for a about a month, Larry has a new job.  He started on the 28th and its taking some time for him to get in the groove again.  Its so nice to have him so close to home.  It only takes him 15 minutes to get to work.  We've added another family member.  Her name is Cookie.  She's a calico cat and she's 7 years old.  Its taking some getting used to Sophie's exuberant nature but Cookie's warming up to us all.  Sophie and I have tapered down our school time.  The kids here had their last day of school just before Memorial Day weekend.  So Sophie's friends have been wanting to play.  Sophie has a new best friend.  Her name is Violet and she lives just two houses down from us.  She's 4 years old, soon to be 5.  But she's pretty big and mature for her age.  The two girls together raise quite a raucous but they have a blast.  They're quite inseparable.

We try to get outside most everyday (Sophie and I).  I love to soak up that vitamin D as much as possible.  We have a couple of backyard games to play.  So that's fun.  A couple of weeks ago I introduced Sophie to mud pie making (strictly second-hand knowledge as I was not allowed to get dirty when I was a kid).  She may have made them before but she couldn't remember doing it.  At first she didn't want to get her hands dirty and just said "Ewwwww!"  It didn't take long for her to become one with the mud.  Here are some cute pictures.

Sophie's foot prints.

It's obviously not as green here as it is in Minnesota but I was surprised to see some color pop up in our backyard.  One day Sophie watered one of the bushes and the next day there were roses blooming on it.  That's the kind of gardening I like!

 Sophie was drawing scenes from the movie Tangled on the patio.

She even drew the castle where they lived and their rooms.  As a side note she drew a little tiny picture of the hero.  Obviously he's not as important as Rapunzel.

A couple of days ago, Sophie came in the house and said she took Butterscotch "for a walk".  Butterscotch is a stuffed dog she got from Grandma and Grandpa Gabriel.  She has Buddy's old retractable dog leash that she likes to put Butterscotch on when she's in the house.  It seems she took Butterscotch "for a walk" (or drag) while she was on her bike.  Not only did Butterscotch need a bath when he came in but he needed some minor surgery from Veterinarian Mom as well.  I pulled out over a dozen little prickles (kind of like sand burrs) from his fur.  Sophie decided she won't be taking Butterscotch "for a walk" again.


Auntie Alli said...

I love it!! So glad the blog is back!!

Auntie Alli said...

I love it!! So glad the blog is back!

Deb said...

I never thought I'd see the day that Sophie would play in the mud. Where's a pic of mommy showing her how its done? hahaha!

Keep up the good work on the blog. Looking forward to seeing more.

TERRI said...

I am so happy to see you back on the blog! Mud Puddles, Sophie and I know all about winter mud puddles, that's when we "trashed" her boots and had to buy new ones before mommy and daddy came home!!!! Thanks Stacy, This is great! Love you all and miss you terribly! MOM