I thought I'd take this opportunity to fill in some details on the trip overall, on what we've been doing with Sophie, and the like.
First, a correction - the picture from yesterday that I posted of Sophie waking up was from her nap after we first got her in the clothes she was brought to us in.
This is our baby girl in her new jammies waking up yesterday morning (note her Panda is in her arms - she loves it, and it was part of the care package that we sent a few months ago)

I mentioned yesterday that Sophie put her hand print on a document as part of all the paperwork yesterday - here are two pictures of that event, one of us after she put her print on, and the other of the document itself.

The double image is due to Sophie not being very cooperative in putting her hand down flat, but it seemed to be okay with the officials :)
Last night, Sophie again hated her bath - we tried making it a little cooler, but she started complaining before we even put her in the tub. She calmed right back down as soon as we take her out and held her with a towel, and she wasn't shivering. I'm not sure if maybe a little separation anxiety is going on - so I think tonight one of us will take the bath with her and see what happens.
Sophie is a very good eater - she opens wide when we give her food, and can feed herself with her hands too. She also communicates well when she does or doesn't want something - so we can give her her water bottle or more food and we can very easily tell when she wants to switch.
Sophie is very talkative, and we were getting a little worried that she was speaking a lot of Chinese, and that we were missing out on things that she was saying to us. We asked our guide Lynn about many of the things she was saying, and it turns out that most of it is just baby talk - so we aren't missing out.
Most of our time is spent playing with and just watching Sophia. Boy does the time go by fast! She loves crawling around on the furniture (we are keeping her off of the floor - no telling how dirty it is) and she loves buttons and stuff that makes noise. She played with the phone for over an hour last night.
It's also funny that she uses her middle finger to push things right now - just so everybody knows she isn't giving you the bird :)
We bought some soy sauce at the store yesterday, and boy does that help with the food. As fasr as we can tell, it's not really used here - not in the cooking process, and not available as a condiment. I think that is one major difference between American Chinese food and Chinese Chinese food.
We have a few little games with Sophia besides the "throw toys on the floor and laugh" game. One is where I pat my cheek, and then Sophie reaches in and pats both of my cheeks with her hand and nubby. Another little activity is that she likes to wipe her cheek with a wet wipe, and then she'll wipe our cheeks if we ask her too. She also shares her cookies and crackers with us - holding it out to our mouth until we take a bite (and she can tell if it's a real bite or a fake one, so you'd better really have some).
Yesterday the directors were impressed with our preparation for Sophie - we brought some mitten clips to hold her boot onto her right leg - they thought that was a great idea.
Sophie was standing last night, holding herself up against the room service tray as we were feeding her some fried rice (which, of course, is just white rice with stuff mixed in, not fried rice like we think) - we're very confident that she'll have no trouble learning to walk and stand on her own once she gets a prosthetic foot.
We do feel a little isolated here - every one of the ten families in our group is in a different province. That isn't normally how it goes. We are very much looking forward to meeting back up with everyone from our travel group (which is really a big family, as far as I'm concerned) and sharing a week together with our new additions.
Video. Yes, I know. Time got away from me last night, and I frankly crashed at about 8. I promise everyone that I will try to get some video posted today. The only thing planned today s to triple check the notarized documents this afternoon, so I should have the time, Sophie permitting.
I think I've rambled enough for now - expect a new post at nap time!
PS, Madison and Emma, you can meet Sophie in a week and a half when we get back!
I hope you are haveing a great time there. I jusr can't wait to see Sophie. I told some of my friends about Sophie. We have a present for her when you get back.
Love, Alexis
I love the idea that she likes toys that make noise. Gives Gramma lots of ideas!! Try the bath thing with her like you thought, as one of your blogs says, she is not used to a complete bath. Try letting her play in the water in the sink too, maybe that will help with her fears of the water. You are doing awesome and Sophia knows you love her. What more could you pray for! Love you MOM
She seems to be doing GREAT! How wonderful! We are so happy for your guys!
Larry and Stacy, Sophie is so very beautiful! It is such a blessing how everything has gone so well. God is good! We are continuing to pray for you and your return with Sophie. I bet you are getting anxious to bring her home.
(Emma has two favorite baby dolls she typically plays with. In the past, they were both baby Jesus (!), now one is baby Jesus and the other is baby Sophie!)
I think Emma is very excited to have another little girl to have tea parties with!
Ok, have to end - Emma wants to see more pictures of baby Sophie!!!
Stacy & Larry - I can not read your blogs with out crying knowing that the Lord has blessed you so richly with this beautiful daughter, Sophie. We will continue to lift our prayers to Him that each day brings you closer and closer, so that soon, none of the three of you will be able to ever remember what it was like "before". May God keep the Ziegler Family safe in His hands. With all my love, Julie
Hi Mom and Dad; Wow, does that ever have a wonderful ring to it. Sophia seems to be doing wonderful with the two of you to say nothing of the two of you having the time of your lives with her. Life is just beginning and we are very glad to be a part of it. I am praying for the safe return of the three of you and please take alot of pictures. Ya know the old saying about a picture being worth a thousand words. We love and miss ya'll. Be safe and God's speed. All my love, Grandpa Cal
Aww, nothing could be sweeter. You guys are amazing and Sophie is so blessed to have you both! I think taking a bath with her may really help. Our kids seemed to take comfort if one of us joined in when they were small. Larry, I laugh at all your comments on the food... What will be the first 'american' food you will be sure to have when you get back home? We love to read your journaling for the day because we miss you guys, so we really take comfort in hearing about your adventures with Sophie. Thanks again for sharing!!
P.S. Mekenna is enjoying the pictures of "her" friend. Sounds like Sophie will have lots of friends to play with after she comes home:) Yeah!
Nick and Kendra
Larry, Stacy and Sophia,
What a wonderful joy you have in your lives. God truly is awesome to have brought you all together. We will all pray that you have a safe journey home and back to REAL food. I'm so happy for you Larry, seeing as you were younger than Sophia when I met you (I think about 4 months old), it is good to know that your dream of having a child of your own (and one that is so totally awesomely beautiful) has come true! Congratulations to all of you! I love the blogs everyday and much like everyone else, I run to the computer as soon as I get to work to see new pictures and hear the stories of each day. And, you both are doing an awesome job of keeping us informed. Thank you for that.
Love always,
Your sister's fairy godmother, Sharon
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