We got to the airport a little after 6 AM, and our guide, Sherry, started giving each family their boarding passes. As each family departed the group, it was getting harder and harder to say good bye - tears and hugs went all around - it's amazing how diffierent people from all around the US can be brought together by God and a common journey in just a couple of days. It felt a lot like a mission trip, how we quickly became close friends. Absolutely wonderful.
Suddenly, we were given our information - our plane was leaving Beijing for Harbin at 8:15 AM - we had just over an hour before it started boarding. We didn't have to pay any over-weight charges, and it went pretty smoothly through security (though I did embarass a young lady security officer - apparently my money belt set off her wand metal detector, so I pulled up my shirt to show her what it was, and she definitely blushed - but I wasn't going to try and hide anything from the security people!)
We got to our gate, and 30 minutes before boarding, we were sent a dozen gates over, on the other side of the terminal - apparently or plane was reassigned gates at the last minute... We boarded, and had a very quick flight (about an hour and a half) to Harbin - we landed just after 10 AM.
Our bags were in the baggage claim five minutes after we got off the plane - I have to give China credit for rapid baggage claim processing - it takes an hour in the US, if you're lucky!
We were greeted by our local guide, Lynn, and told that we needed to move quickly, because we were going straight to the adoption office, and would be meeting Sophie right away! We were shocked, suprised, and amazed! We assumed we wouldn't meet her till later in the afternoon, after settling into our hotal room, etc...
After an hour van ride over bumpy roads (I'm glad I took the extra anti-motion sickness pill) we arrived at the adoption office. We were whisked into the main conference room, and quickly met the adoption office director, the orphanage director, and an assistant who had a few forms for us to check and sign.
After about ten minutes, we were greeted by the sight we'd been waiting three years for...

Sophia Allison Ziegler was across the table from us, being held by a local caregiver.
Then we were asked a bunch of questions, which I won't ever remember (I do think I have most of it on video, though). The orphanage director let us know that they received the care package, and brought the blanket, cameras, and Panda that we had sent to Sophie as part of the care package. We can't wait to see what pictures they took over the last few months!
Then came the next big moment...
The caregiver gave Sophie to Stacy. I'm sorry for the blurriness of the image, but I was shooting video and taking some stills at the same time - but the look here is priceless...

They gave us her schedule, what she eats, as well as a starter of milk and crackers that she likes, since we wouldn't be going to the store today.
A few minutes later, we were going out the door (we'll be returning tomorrow to complete paperwork and pay donations and fees) and back in the van to the hotel.
The trip went well, Sophie didn't cry, and was in a pretty mellow mood (which is better than we expected). She ate a cracker and even smiled a few times!
Lynn checked us into the hotel, and within ten minutes, we were up in our room trying to dig stuff out of bags so that Sophie would have her toys to play with.
When we brought her Panda out she reached out for it - it's clearly been a good toy for her, and our intent for it to help her bond to us definitely seems to be working. She likes putting the teething ring on the Panda, playing with her stacking cups and books that we brought, and of course, throwing them on the floor for daddy to pick up (she laughs and laughs every time she throws a toy on the floor)

She uses her nubby very well, and can hold a sippy cup or bottle without any problem.
We ordered some chinese food for lunch: noodle soup (which we were told was her nromal lunch), noodles with beef, and spicy chicken, and Sophie ate the noodle soup like a pro! I actually fed my daughter her first meal with us! I also changed her first diaper with us!

Right now, both my ladies are taking a nap. Sophie didn't want to, I think she's pretty excited - she's gotten really chatty in the five hours we've had her - I think she's comfortable with us already (thank you Lord!). She hasn't cried at all, and seems to be starting to bond with us already - it's all we hoped for!
I'm not sure what we'll have for dinner, but tonight we find out what her sleeping habits really are (they claim she sleeps in till 7 AM)
I might do another update tonight. If I don't here's the schedule for tomorrow: we will be finalizing the adoption stuff, and going to the supermarket - and that's probably it (besides playing with Sophie).
We've only taken 24 still pictures today, but over an hour of video.
I'll be posting video soon, I just need to find a cable or two...
Talk to you later!
Beautiful!! Is that A cross around her neck? Wow!
Blessings to you all on this special Day!
A BEAUTIFUL family indeed! Stacy that 1st picture of your arms out taking Sophie, oh my goodness, PRICELESS. Good job Larry! And of course Daddy and Daughter...great shot. Thank You SO much for sharing your journey as it is happening. We are so thankful for your smooth transition and all things going great. Sophie is just adorable! What a SPECIAL DAY
Nick and Kendra
Yes, it is a cross. We found out today that Sophie had a foster mom. She must have put the cross around her neck. How cool is that! She even had a professional picture taken of her and Sophie and she included a note for her too. She was very well taken care of and very much loved.
She is the most beautiful little girl I have ever seen!! I am so glad our prayers were answered regarding the smooth transition. We are all counting the days until you get back. Keep the glorious pictures coming!!
Thank you for the birthday wish...
What a beautiful little girl! Love the cross and the photo from the foster family. God is good! I am a blogging friend of Kristy's. Just saw their Ellie too, precious!
Sophie is so precious and beautiful. The pics are priceless.
What a blessing after the endless waiting.
The time will seem to stand still until you are home and we can surround the new family with hugs and kisses.
I can't believe I'm really a grandma.
We will continue to pray for you until you are safely home.
We love you....Gramma Debbie and Granpa Dewey
What a wonderful moment you have let all of us be a part of!! The pictures are great she looks so happy!! What a beautiful Daughter God has placed in your arms! The girls are getting so excited to meet her! We will keep praying the rest of your journey and transition with your beautiful girl go just as smooth! God Bless!
Hi Guys... This is your cousin Ang. I cried this morning when I looked at the pics. I'm so happy for you two!!! She is so precious. I love the pic of Sophie looking at Stace like, are you my mom? So cute. I was going to ask if the food there tasted like "American" Chinese food. haha... My thoughts and prayers are still with you and I can't wait for more pictures. Love you guys!! Ang
I'm glad you are having fun with Sophie. When can I see her?
Love Madison
Larry and Stacy, what a beautiful family. It brought tears to my eyes to see you Larry as the DAD you have always wanted to be and it looked SOOOO RIGHT!!!!
God is GOOD!!! It sounds like things are going smoothly, good luck this evening.
We love you and can't wait to see your little Angel.
Larry and Stacy, This is the perfect start to a wonderful family. You both look so perfect with her. She is sooo beautiful and smart. She already has daddy trained to fetch! That's gramma's girl!!!!! Love her with all you have and can't wait to have you all home again. Love MOM
All I can say is WOW...how wonderful it is to be able to see you both with your wonderful daughter. Thank you for sharing this special time in your life with us all. The pictures are priceless and yes, brought tears to my eyes as well :)
Throwing things on the floor already? I believe she is practicing her "spiral" toss. I believe I see a future Viking fan already :)
I hope all continues to go well. Love Shash
Stacy and Larry; Words can not express how I feel right now. Your precious family. See I told you God answers prayers and Julie, Cory and I have been praying for ya'll. Sophia is such a beautiful little girl. Take care of her and yourselves. We can not wait to see her ourselves and hold her, that is if you will give her up for a little while. We live so far away but our love flows through every mile. Oh yeah, it really feels great to be a grandpa, Love Uncle Cory, Grandma Julie and yeah me, Grandpa Cal.
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