Daddy's up for the day, so it's time for my early post!
We had a successful bath last night!
I got in first, then we sat Sophie on my lap so only her calves were in the water. Then we brought in her stacking cups, which she loves to play with, and started playing with them for a five or ten minutes in the water. The cups have holes in them so that water will drain out - we actually planned on them being bath toys too, and they worked out very well.
Next, I sat her down in the water in front of me, in the middle of my lap, so that I was still touching her and comforting her. She almost cried, but we started playing with the cups right away, and she slowly started to get into that game.
Once that was accomplished, we started splashing, and then I'd take a full cup of water and let it drip onto her arm or back, letting her get used to the water.
After about ten minutes, I started soaping her and rinsing - and she was doing fine, still playing and splashing.
Then came the dreaded hair. Again, we were slow and calming. This is definitely her least favorite part, but we got through it without any crying or too much fussing.
Then we let her play more, so that play and fun would be the biggest part of a bath. I got out slowly, so that she could play by herself, and get a taste of bathing by herself. We created a monster - she didn't want to get out. She kept splashing and scooted forward, because she noticed the lever for the drain, and wanted to see what it was.
I moved the lever to start draining the water, and Sophie reached out and moved the lever back down. Which didn't do anything, because the drain on our tub sticks. So she pushed the drain plug down, stopping the water from draining. In the words of Dave Barry (who also has a daughter named Sophie) "I am not making this up."

So she played for a few minutes more, and then after shaking her head "no" at me when I reached out to her a few times, I pulled her out anyway and dried her off. My timing was off a little bit here, but that is the tail end of her smiling in the bath tub!
Last night for dinner we went to a chic little local place called McDonald's. Actually, I went and brought it back - it's about a ten minute walk away, but Stacy requested it, and I was hardly in a mood to deny her :)
Like in Ukraine, the menu is very different, but they have the Big Mac, double cheeseburgers, chicken nuggets, and fries. The guy at the register looked at me for a second, and whipped out a bilingual (Chinese and English) picture menu, and all was good. I also ordered two pies that I thought were apple - learning later that they were pineapple, not apple. Who ever heard of a pineapple pie?
Also like in Ukraine, the best McDonald's can be had after eating local food for a week. Sophie had about one chicken nugget, with most of the breading taken off (we wanted her to get protein) and a few french fries. I haven't had a Big Mac in years, but it was very good. Stacy was also happy with the meal - no peanut butter sandwich last night :)
We all went to bed about 8:30 - I can't believe how tired I've been - but we are very busy with our little girl, and I just need to adjust, I'm sure.
We keep having plans to reorganize the bags, or to sew her mitten clips to be shorter, or some other thing - and it's not getting done. We keep just spending time with little Sophia (and that is a good thing). As new parents, we are going to need to work on getting ourselves to get things done as well as spend as much time with Sophie as possible :)
On that note, I have been lacking in my Documentarianographer duties - haven't taken any pictures of Harbin yet, and very little new video. I will get back to taking pictures like a madman today.
Here's a few from our first two days as an appetizer to new pictures:

Part of the Summer Palace

A small part of The Forbidden City

A very very small part of the Great Wall (which is not the only man made structure visible from space, in case you were wondering)
We will be visiting the Harbin aquarium this morning, I hope that Sophia likes it!
Well, I've rambled on for an hour now, I think it's time to call it a post.
Thank you everyone for continuing to comment and to let me know that the videos worked!
More to come at nap time!
The cups were a great idea! Im glad she's getting used to baths, and it will only get better from here on out =)
Alli and I will pick up more bath stuff, like soap crayons etc. What size clothes is she wearing? Do the 18 months fit? Shopping ahead, Mom needs to know. Also, do you have any idea what you will need me to pick up at grocery store. Need to budget you know, with Sophia coming all must be perfect. Tell me on blog, or e mail me your answers, Please! Girls at work got me a multi-level picture frame for all the prints I have been bringing in and taping to the cabinets. Who knew? Love you LOTS, Gramma T
OOPS,Forgot to mention that when you fly back, make sure Sophia is drinking a bottle when you take off and land (each time). It will help with the pressure!!!MOM
Yippie on bath success! I'm guessing you won't be able to find them in China, but when you come back, look for bath hats. They're like visors for wearing in the bath. Then they water just runs down the hat and not anywhere near eyes, etc. They have worked wonders with our kids and the whole not-liking-water-in-the-eyes maddness! I'll try to keep my eye open for some for you, too.
Stacy, If you can get on your email, check it for a message from me please. Love you! Julie!
Mom and Dad; Well I know it has been about three years in the making but the way it looks it was well worth the wait. I am so glad the three of you are getting along so well. Ya know everytime I read about Sophia I have a tear of joy for all of you. I am so proud of ya'll. I known the Lord will take care of you and it will be a safe trip home. The videos are great. To finally hear Sophia laugh is wonderful. She has the worlds greatest parents. Well I have rattled on long enough. Be safe and know that God loves you and so do we. All my love, Grandpa, Cal
Larry and Stacy-
Allison told me all about your new addition. I've been reading the blog to catch up. You both are truly wonderful people and will be terrific parents! You are all truly blessed to have found each other! Congratulations, and I will be following along as you continue updating your journey! (If you need any 18-24 month clothes for summer, I'm sure my daughter Ella would love to share some of hers- we have lots that were given to us!)
Diana (Massicotte) Meyer
yes Larry, the videos work... Get more video with Sophie laughing and talking... That was a blast to watch... How old is Sophie? Did you bring the brown velour sweat suit that me and my mom got her? If you did, she should wear that tomorrow... hahah.. Anyway, sorry about the food.. When I went to Cancun, the McDonalds food was not good. The ketchup were actually hot sauce. ICK.. We had a Dominos in our hotel so we ate that for every meal.. hahha.. Pinapple pie.. hahhaa I laughed when I read that cuz I could imagine you saying it. God Bless the 3 of you.. Give Sophie hugs and kisses from me.. Cuzin Ang
I see a trip to either the Como Zoo or the MN zoo is in order when she gets back. It is a good thing that she likes animals since she will be surrounded by them at home (referring to the cats and Buddy - not necessarily you - Ha! Ha!). Try not to worry about all the "daily stuff", everyday life will take up too much time when you get back - just revel in this as I know you are!!!
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