Sophie is supposed to be going to sleep for her nap right now, but she's standing up and talking to me so that I pay attention to her. She's hard to ignore, especially when she lays on the cute.

Here's Sophia with her white whale stuffed animal that we got for her at the aquarium on Thursday.

The face looks awfully similar, doesn't it? She is a big ham for the camera - at least when I'm taking pictures of her. This is from this morning - the whole crew went to the medical office to get the kids medical examinations done. There was a lot of screaming and crying from everybody's babies, but we all made it through okay.
I think the doctors were surprised by Sophie's condition - they took her to a different exam room for the examining doctor to consult with, what I assume was, a senior physician. But as I said, everything turned out okay - all of the kids passed.
Here's our friends Faith and Jason, and their new daughter Zoey! Isn't she adorable!

After the medical exams, we went to the "supermarket" which was really like a Dayton's - sorry, Macy's - with a supermarket floor. We bought a much needed stroller, and a Fisher Price Counting Friends phone - she loves playing with it - there's a phone book at the top that she can flip, it speaks English, and the numbers all make sounds - she even holds the handset to her ear like she's talking (of course, she also like giving the phone to you so you can talk - she likes to share).

The weather is beautiful here - it's 70 degrees, sunny - feels like late spring in Minnesota.
Tonight we'll be going as a group to a Japanese restaurant and tomorrow I believe we will be doing some sightseeing - though I'm not really sure yet...
Hope everyone is doing fine back in the USA, and we'll be home in six days!
Love you guys!
I hope you have a wonderful time catching up with all the other families on this incredible journey. I will pray that all goes well with the paperwork.
Love you!!
I just got the video to work on my computer here at home. We loved hearing Sophie's voice. We listened to it many times over.
It sounds like she's going to be a handful when you fly. We're praying for that empty seat between you to be unocupied on your flight home.
We love you, Mom and Dewey
Love the smile Sophie does for the camera! I'm praying that Sophie will become a world traveler her next plane rides. She'll sleep, look out the window and want headphones on to listen to music the entire trip. Stacy & Larry, I hope you are getting your rest so you are ready for the journey home. Love you guys. Linda
PS. The 70 weather sounds great to me!
Hey Guys...
I have an idea for the plane ride. Have you heard of "Baby Einstein" They are these super boring DVD's but kids LOVE them!! I buy them for baby showers all the time. If you can find one, you should get it and hook it up for Sophie to watch on the plane ride. Hopefully she will be into that and not be causing chaos.
Love you guys... hope this works.. ANG MOE
Good Morning Everybody! Gramma T had to sleep in this morning and make up for rising at 4 am to read the updates this week. She is so healthy. Did the other parents have as calm an adjustment with their new babies as you? No one could be blessed more than you with that little one. Hope you have a wonderful visit with your friends. Love you Lots, MOM (Alli beat me big time this morning)
Sophie is making quite a little fashon statment with all her new clothes. She looks so cute! I love how she gives a big grin for the camera. We will be praying your next flight is a little less stressful. If you need any suggestions from a flight attendant for your way home let me know!! God Bless!
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